Manual Handling Techniques - Hughes Driver Training, the HGV Training & Careers Company


Manual Handling Techniques

Average Read Time: 15 minutes

In this education piece, you will learn about the following:

  • PPE

  • Lifting, carrying and setting down technique

  • Further manual handling techniques


To enable drivers to safely, lift, carry and set down items whilst using the correct PPE in their workplace environment.


By the end of this session, candidates will be able to demonstrate safe and effective lifting, carrying and setting down techniques appropriate to their workplace.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


  • One problem with using PPE when manually handling is that it could
    cause a hindrance and therefore increase the risk of injury.
  • HSE guidance is that ‘PPE should be used only as a last resort when
    engineering or other controls do not provide adequate protection
    against hazards that cannot be controlled.’ (L23, paragraph 63)

The following are examples of situations where PPE might increase the risk of injury.

  • Loss of grip when wearing gloves
  • Increased stress on the body from heavy breathing apparatus

On the other hand, PPE can also aid in manual handling.

  • Slipping when carrying, a common problem
  • Solved with gripped soled boots

The use of PPE for manual handling operations should be carefully considered under company policy and as a factor in any risk assessment.


Lifting, Carrying and Setting Down Technique

Good handling technique SHOULD NOT be viewed as a substitute for risk identification and reduction.

If manual handling can be eliminated from the procedure
then appropriate steps should be taken.

Failing that, a best practice technique can be very effective in MINIMISING THE CHANCES OF INJURY.

There is NO SINGLE CORRECT manual lifting technique.

  • A ‘one-size- fits-all’ approach is IMPOSSIBLE
  • However, basic good practice points TRANSFER THROUGH MOST handling operations

As you have seen, there are a number of steps that apply to the
majority of handling situations:

Manual Handling Techniques

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